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Detoxification ( General/ Specific)

It is a gradual process that since from the birth itself Human body is almost getting filled with various kind of toxins (knowingly and unknowingly) we intake through our wrong methodology of food consuming habits , polluted air eatables, drinks, wrong lifestyles, even through various wrong thought processes which contaminate the mind too. All those toxic accumulation in your body and mind converts you as a patient and drags towards unhealthiness and unproductiveness gradually . Thus, people become unable to enjoy the happiness of their life.

Treatments for pre/post menopausal syndromes

Though this can be considered as a universal phenomena which may start since from the mid 30s of a woman 's life and develops gradually towards it's peaks almost by the menopausal period by the hormonal changes. Most of the imotional imbalance, excess anger , excess worries, depression, excess body heat, skin problems, beauty problems, physical problems like body shape loss , swelling and pain in various Joints / body parts due to hard swelling or body obstructions are curable.

Anti aging

It is a special Rejuvenation treatment program to refresh you by decreasing your aging factors after a detail consultation. Here we search out for the root cause of patient 's aging factor ( it differs according to individuals) Doing short term treatment course of Rasayana treatments.

Excess body heat

Can be happen because of increased pitha . In ladies, mainly due to some changes in the menstruation.

Pediatric cases

All kind of diseases of children ,expecially like recurrent fever,cough, digestive problems etc.. are some of our specifications.

Cervical- lumbar Joint pain

Every kind of back pains and Joint pain.

Emotional imbalance

Can be cause by stress ,mental strain, excess work loads ,depression etc...

Sexual disabilities

All kinds of sexual incapacity and disorders.

Digestive problems

All kind of digestive disorders.

Head aches

All kind of head aches and migraine.

Heel pain

Knee Joint pain

Beauty related problems

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